Georgia law requires that each County provides an Annual Notice of Assessment to the owner of taxable property each year. These are sent out as early as April and as late as September.
The Assessment Notice will show the value of the property as of the previous tax year and the new value of the property as of the current tax year.
There will be two values listed on the Assessment Notice:
100% APPRAISED VALUE – Also known as Fair Market Value.
40% ASSESSED VALUE – This value represents 40% of Fair Market Value and is used for tax calculation purposes.
The deadline to appeal the new value is 45 days after the date of the Assessment Notice.
Georgia law requires that the Assessment Notice include an estimate of taxes. This calculation is made based on the previous year’s millage rate and the current year’s value. The actual tax bill will be calculated on the millage rates set later in the year. Because this is only an estimate of taxes, your actual tax bill may be more or less than this estimate. And, the estimate may not include all eligible exemptions or fees (i.e. storm water, solid waste, or streetlights), which may appear on your tax billwhen it is issued.